Corporate Responsibility

Riverbend Energy Group believes that purposeful corporate responsibility can help manage long-term investment risks and improve returns while protecting and giving back to the community.

Principled Investment

Riverbend understands that evaluating and monitoring environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors can help manage long-term investment risks, improve returns, and protect/enhance our reputation.

Environmental, Social, & Governance Initiatives

We currently support the Riverbend MS 150 Bike Team, Walk & Roll for SCI, and various industry associations. We also work with a variety of local non-profit organizations to ensure we give back to the communities where we live and work.

Environmental Efforts

Riverbend maintains a keen, structured understanding of our environmental impacts across all areas of ownership. We understand capital improvements on our operated oil & gas assets to reduce environmental impacts and reduce the risk of future incidents. For wells where we possess a royalty or non-operated working interest, Riverbend actively monitors the operators to assess any environmental risks. We also seek to provide capital to teams and projects in the energy transition and renewables sector.

Social Efforts

Riverbend has a strong foundation of ethics and integrity, with a positive reputation that precedes us in our industry. We are committed to hiring the best and brightest employees to advance Riverbend’s initiatives which is evident by our commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion within our workforce. We recognize that a wide range of thought, backgrounds, and interests contributes to a more inclusive workplace. We are also deeply committed to engagement within the communities where we live and work. Riverbend and our employees support numerous charitable organizations and various industry organizations.

Governance Efforts

Riverbend actively monitors corporate short-term and long-term ESG performance, with a Chief Compliance Officer overseeing governance and compliance. We engage with well-known and reputable partners, including Deloitte (Accounting), Blue River Partners (Compliance), and Scan13 (Cyber Security). All employees perform annual ESG compliance training and certifications with ~10 hours per employee of training each year.

Riverbend Ongoing & Past Efforts

Riverbend has supported outside activities of value to our areas of influence including various industry associations such as:

We have also collaborated with community-centered non-profit organizations, including:

We also made a sizable contribution to Houston Habitat For Humanity for Hurricane Harvey rebuilding efforts.